Thursday, 22 March 2012

If you need me, I'll be under the pile of laundry

In a house with 7 people, I find I'm doing laundry ALL THE TIME. Not a day has gone by since we become a big, blended family that we haven't done atleast 1 load of laundry. I'd have to say we average about 3 loads a day. I don't mind doing the laundry, it's the folding and sorting after that takes so much time!
These five kids make a lot of laundry! I've taken to stripping the toddler at meal time in an effort to keep her clothes clean. The tweens tend to wear something for an hour and then throw it in the laundry. And now that the summer weather is here, not much is passing the 'smell test' anymore. You know, when you give it a smell to see if it 'really' needs washed!
We have a laundry basket with 3 sections; whites, darks and colours. The kids are all really good at putting their dirty clothes in the appropriate basket to be washed. And everyone over the age of 2 puts their own laundry away so I guess it's not that bad...But I feel like all I do is sit and fold laundry!
So, I'm coming to you in search of suggestions to make this process faster or easier. Do you have any tips?


  1. Ok so it is going to sound completely nuts but I read this on a Babble blog the other day and think it's genius! I'm actually giving up control and implementing this system in my house, I'm even planning on blogging about whether or not it actually works out. LOL Obviously your youngest can't do it but I think B would be able to handle the task:

    "Here goes: Each kid gets a large hamper. When the hamper is full it goes in the washing machine (no sorting, wash on cold). Then the dryer, then dumped on the kid’s bed. Teach your kid to sort into piles (shirts, pants, jammies) – then folded or not – the kid puts it all away. The end."

  2. Interesting, before I moved in that's how it was done here. 'Dad' did fold it but they put it away. I have always sorted by colour and that's why I switched it. I may need to reconsider...thanks for the tip!

  3. That "dad" sounds like a keeper!
